After a Zoom meeting has commenced, in most cases you may access a recording of the meeting via the Zoom Pro tool. Please follow the instructions below to view your recordings. NOTE: If you are hoping for a transcript of the recording, you may need to wait a little longer because sometimes Zoom’s transcription coding takes much longer than it takes to just make the video available.
Step 1: Navigate to your class on Courses, and click the Zoom Pro tab in the lefthand toolbar. Step 2: Click on the Cloud Recordings tab in the tabs listed on the top of the page. Step 3: Once the class recording has uploaded to the cloud, it will be available and listed in the Cloud Recordings tab. Click on the name of the course you wish to view.
Step 4: Select the play button on the left-hand option, which allows you to view the entire recorded session. The right-hand option is for audio only.
Step 5: If password protected, there will be a passcode section, and the eye icon will be crossed out.
Step 6: Note that if you click on the crossed out “eye” icon (seen above and labeled “1”) the passcode for that video will be revealed. With your cursor, select that passcode and copy it. Enter/paste the passcode for that video after selecting the play button, to be able to access the recording.
Faculty may utilize Zoom’s dual monitor display feature so the students’ video layout and screen share content can be placed on two separate monitors/screens. Specifically, gallery (grid view of all of your students) or speaker view (full screen view of the current speaker’s video) can be displayed on one monitor while the other monitor displays your slide presentation, documents or videos.
As a prerequisite to continuing on with the information provided in this article, please make sure that you have installed the Zoom desktop client and have dual monitors enabled on your system. For an instructional guide on establishing a dual monitor setup with your Mac computer, please click here. For an instructional guide on establishing a dual monitor setup with your Windows computer, please click here.
Enabling Dual Monitors in Zoom
1. As a trial, you may join or start a solo meeting through theZoom Pro tool in Courses, or through the Zoom desktop client on your computer.
2. To enable the dual monitors feature in Zoom, click your profile picture, and then click “Settings.”
3. Click the “General” tab, and under “Settings,” check the box that is labeled, “Use dual monitors.”
Testing Your Dual Monitor System
4. Once in the Zoom meeting interface, with the dual monitor setup already configured on both your computer and Zoom, you will see a Zoom window open on each monitor. Though it may be different based on your individual computer, typically, the meeting controls and your video will display on one monitor, while the other monitor will display students’ videos.
As a note, Zoom tends to default to full screen view. If you would like to exit the full screen view to access your desktop, simply press “ESC,” or escape, on your keyboard.
5. To share your screen with your desired presentation (slideshow, document, video, etc), open the display on your preferred monitor.
6. Then, press the green “Share Screen” button on the bottom center of your Zoom screen.
You will be redirected to a pop-up window where you may select whether to share Desktop 1 or Desktop 2, and you may select whichever monitor has your desired display open.
7. When sharing your screen, you will still be able to view your participant’s videos on the other monitor while selecting what specific window to share on the second monitor. Feel free to adjust your windows to your preferred layout.
Photo courtesy of SUPPORT.ZOOM.US
One useful approach to note is how to set up your PowerPoint presentation in a separate window. This prevents PowerPoint from taking over both of your monitors, so you may move your slideshow with your speaker notes to the monitor of your choice and keep gallery view on the second monitor.
1. To do this, open your PowerPoint presentation “Slideshow” menu.
2. Select “Setup slideshow.”
3. Then, “Browse by an individual (windows)”
4. Click “OK.”
5. Then you may either play “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide.”
You should now see your slideshow with your speaker notes on one monitor, and still have your Zoom gallery view available on the second monitor.
“Gallery View” Settings (setting up display to 49 participants)
If you would like to view more than 25 profiles on a screen, by modifying your Zoom settings, you will be able to display up to 49 participants at a time. This is provided that your computer has the capacity to display more than 25, however, which depends on your computer’s CPU.
First, navigate to the Zoom App.
Then, select your profile from the top right corner, and select settings.
Under the video tab (1), scroll down and check the box to enable “Display up to 49 participants per screen in gallery view” (2). (If it is gray and inaccessible, your computer does not support the 49 participant display.)
Now that you know the basics of Zoom and and the Zoom Pro Tool, we will dive into the specifics of what tools and settings Zoom has to offer once in the meeting session.
Please view the informational video below to learn more about how to efficiently use Zoom’s in-session features, which include the following:
This blog will walk you through creating personal Zoom Meetings. By creating your meetings personally (not through the Courses Zoom Pro link), recordings of your class will be completely private and unavailable to students unless you choose to send a link via email.
Create your meeting:
Instead of using Zoom Pro, you will need to schedule your meeting on the website,
Sign in using your Wavenet username and password.
Next, select schedule a meeting and fill out the meeting information.
Under the time zone section, you may select make reoccurring meeting– this way you can use the same link for each meeting. This also means you only have to post one Zoom link for your students in Courses.
Under meeting options, select record the meeting automatically, and then select in the cloud.
Finally, save the meeting link.
Once you have saved your meeting, navigate down to the invite link section and copy the meeting link. Make sure you copy the URL itself and do not hit “copy invitation”. You will need the link on its own to paste into Courses later.
Publish meeting link for students:
Next, you will need to create a space to house your personalized links. First, navigate to your Courses homepage, then click into a course.
In the course that you would like to paste these meeting links, select Site Info from the lefthand toolbar.
Then select Manage Tools.
Scroll to the bottom of the list of tool. REMOVE Zoom Pro tool by unchecking the box, and ADD the Web Content tool by checking the box.
Select continue, which will bring you to a page where you can customize your Web Content link. This is where you can paste your Zoom meeting link you previously made on! Title the page Class Meeting Link and in the URL section, paste your link.
After selecting “continue” you will see a page confirming your choices. Ensure that the Zoom Pro tool has been removed and the Web Content tool has been added. Then, click Finish.
Finally, notify students that they should check the Web Content Tool to find meeting links before each class. By clicking on the new tool in your Course labeled “Class Meeting Link”, students will be immediately directed to your Zoom meeting. Your meetings will be recorded to your personal cloud only, and you are free to distribute those recordings as/if you see fit!
Re-Order Tools in Courses
To make the Course Meeting Link more obvious to your students, you may want to consider moving it to the top of the left navigation. Follow these steps to do so:
First, navigate back to your Site Info tool from the lefthand toolbar, and select Tool Order.
Then, simply click on the small lines icon at the far right of the Web Content tool, and holding your cursor down, drag the tool to the top of your list.
Click Save, and you will see your Course Meeting Link at the top of your toolbar.
Distributing your recordings to specified students only:
After your recording is complete and your video has been processed, you will receive an email with a link to watch the recording. You can forward this email to students who have been granted permission to watch the recording.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out directly to our Information Services support team at [email protected] or at extension x7425.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the monitor to access the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu of the monitor. To access the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu, press Button 5 (Figure 1) at the bottom of the monitor.
Spam is every bit the reality in our email inboxes as the junk mail that comes in our postboxes; though often more obnoxious and potentially more dangerous. The University has made great improvements in the last few years to protect users from spam.
If you suspect that you’ve missed a message because it was blocked by the spamfilter, or if you’d like to customize the features of the anti-spam services here at Pepperdine, log in to Provided by a company called Sophos, this system will allow you to retrieve any messages that might have been incorrectly labeled as spam as well as manually add email addresses that you wish to allow to email you, by-passing the filter, or block from sending you email.
When setting up your secondary monitor (connected to your laptop) or attaching your headset or webcam, you may have questions.
Please check out these very short videos and then if you still have a question, please do call us at (310) 506-7524 or send us a note at [email protected]
With the new school year around the corner and the recent notice of student organizations’ email addresses now being live, there are two main email tips student leaders should know.
As a student leader, you will likely want to auto-forward emails to the rest of your student organization’s leadership team using filters in gmail, as well as send emails from your student organization’s email address rather than your personal email address.
Below, please find two headlines that will hyperlink you to informational Google Docs with step-by-step instructions.