Qualtrics is an amazing survey tool that is available to all faculty and staff at Pepperdine University. This article will cover how to make a blank survey with Caruso School of Law branding.
To access Qualtrics, please go to https://community.pepperdine.edu/it/tools/qualtrics/ and select the link to the Qualtrics website. You may need to scroll down on this page to access the link.

This will send you to the Pepperdine Single Sign-On page. Please enter your Pepperdine Credentials to proceed.

This will take you to your Qualtrics homepage. Select ‘Create new project’ in the upper right corner of the screen.

Select the Survey button under choose your own, this is in red in the picture. There are amazing templates for surveys. This article will cover blank surveys only.

Name the survey something that you will remember, such as Caruso SOL Branding. Select Blank Project under the name, then select Get Started in the upper right-hand corner.

This is the survey creating a page where you can create questions and edit the survey. The Preview button on the upper right-hand corner will show you what the published survey will look like.

The preview opens in a new tab and shows both the desktop and mobile versions of the survey. As you can see, the default branding for blank surveys the Graziadio Business School.

Go back to the survey edit tab and select the Look & Feel button in the upper left corner.

This brings you to a page where you can edit how the survey looks and how the questions flow.

Select Theme in the upper left-hand corner to see the different themes for each school. Select Caruso School of Law and then save.

You can confirm you have the correct by checking the Preview again.

Now the Caruso School of Law branding is in this blank survey.

You may want to create a branding folder to save this blank survey. To do so, go to your Qualtircs homepage and select Add new folder in the upper left-hand corner.

Name the folder.

Then drag and drop the survey into the folder.

Now, you can select From a Copy to create a branded, blank survey.

You will then see a list of your folders and can select the branded survey that you want to use.